Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers' Day from Beijing!

The entire Asian study abroad group wants to wish all of the mothers out there a Happy Mothers' Day! (Of course, I especially want to wish my mother a Happy Mothers' Day. See, writing this blog does come with some perks!) The second picture is a close-up of the signs that are being held in the first picture. As you might imagine, we are told that these characters say "Happy Mothers' Day," although we have no way of confirming whether or not that is true.

Today we had our first class in Basic Chinese. I'm not sure how much anyone remembers, although Jason was seen trying it out on the front desk personnel at the guest house with some success. It didn't help much that the professor, pictured above in the beige DU hat, simply pointed to the board when someone didn't understand a certain pronunciation. That might have worked had the writing on the board not been in Chinese!

After class we went to the Lama Temple to see the Guinness Book of Records' world's-largest statue of Buddha. Those Guinness folks aren't kidding, as this sucker was quite big (over 18 meters tall above ground). Then we had a terrific dinner of Beijing "Don't Call It 'Peking'" Duck with some of the professors and students from Beijing Jiaotong University.

Tomorrow we're headed to the Great Wall in the morning, so expect some great shots!


Theresa said...

Aaalllleeexxxx...we miss you...make sure you don't forget finding just the right "gift" for me...your fav sister...JM

Theresa said...

My first Mother's Day without our first born...I guess if you are going to miss Mom's Day...being in Beijing is a great foil... Thanks for the sign and the message...couldn't beat it!

I love you...your Mom...who isn't a dork!

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Aw, gee, thanks you all. Love you bunches, Megan. Grandma says "hello." Miss you and missed you today, especially.


Luv ya...MOM :)

christine said...

Hi Lisa - we all miss you back this way! cant wait to hear all the stories - and we will definitely be here for ya to help you re-celebrate your 21st birthday back in the states. Auntie is still talking about her long distance phone call!! love,
Auntie, Joe, Christine, Diane, JoAnn, Mike, Zach, Madison and little Mike (and the Asches!!)